ScreenPoint Medical Transpara

Detection of potential areas of breast cancer in mammary tissue and generation of an exam level risk score.



Screening mammography is an effective screening tool, but has limitations. With over 30 peer reviewed publications that have demonstrated Transpara's clinical effectiveness, it is a trusted choice of luminary institutions around the world, including radiology thought-leaders at RadboudUMC and Johns Hopkins.

Transpara is trusted by hundreds of sites in dozens of countries to tackle the following key challenges:

• Volume overload with DBT acquisition (typically single reader).
• Volume overload when reading FFDM acquisition (double reading environment).
• Workforce capacity constraints in breast imaging reading – meeting need for screening mammography reading that is quickly outpacing radiologist capacity.



With Transpara, radiologists get:
• A clear, simple report that provides image-based risk categorization to gain improved workflow.
• Greater confidence, particularly in dense breast tissue – Transpara provides decision support even where mammography is hardest, in the half of women with denser breast tissue.
• Risk-assessment with image-based risk enables both a proven-accurate snapshot of risk as well as the opportunity to track risk over time to find red-flags in individual trends.

Transpara has the following regulatory clearances:
• FDA 510(k) USA 
• MDR CE Europe 
• TGA Australia 
• Medsafe New Zealand
• UKCA United Kingdom
• MedDO Switzerland 
• CMDR Canada 
• SFDA Saudi Arabia 


Workflow: First Breast AI Randomized Controlled Trial was done using Transpara and showed a safe and effective 44% reduction in reading workload with a 20% increase in cancer detection and no material change in recall rate.¹ 

Other studies show that DBT reading time on studies identified with low AI scores for cancer can take 30% less time to read with Transpara². Also, in a trial with a second reader replaced with Transpara, there was increased cancer detection and a stable recall rate.³

Confidence: Radiologist cancer detection accuracy with decision support from Transpara improves regardless of experience and background.²

Risk Assessment: A May 2023 Journal of Clinical Oncology paper from Mayo and UCSF demonstrated that a 1 point increase in Transpara score (when using a 10 point scale) represented an approximate 20% increased risk of invasive cancer when used as a long-term risk measure.⁴

Results: Studies show improvements in interval cancer detection, reading time, and detection in dense breast tissue.² ⁴


Image examples


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¹Lång K, Viktoria Josefsson, Larsson AM, Larsson S, Högberg C, Sartor H, et al. Artificial intelligence-supported screen reading versus standard double reading in the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence trial (MASAI): a clinical safety analysis of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening accuracy study. Lancet Oncology. 2023 Aug 1;24(8):936–44.
²van Winkel SL, Rodríguez-Ruiz A, Appelman L, Gubern-Mérida A, Karssemeijer N, Teuwen J, et al. Impact of artificial intelligence support on accuracy and reading time in breast tomosynthesis image interpretation: a multi-reader multi-case study. European Radiology. 2021 May 4;

³Balta C, Rodriguez-Ruiz A, Mieskes C, Karssemeijer N, Heywang-Kobrunner SH. Going from double to single reading for screening exams labeled as likely normal by AI: what is the impact? Spie Digital Library. 2020 May 22;

⁴Vachon, et al, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2023: Impact of Artificial Intelligence System and Volumetric Density on Risk Prediction of Interval, Screen-Detected, and Advanced Breast Cancer
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